Pregnancy Ticker

With a little Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.......

Friday, February 26, 2010


Now we are getting down to the details. We know baby is a girl so I can start getting out the things we've save from our first born and picking up the things we don't already have. Here's the list of to do's that I've thought of:

1. Get boxes of newborn clothes from attic to wash.
2. Get box of bottles and nipples from attic to wash. (seeing a pattern here)
3. Locate Bumbo seat in attic.
4. Find a table that I can repurpose as a bedside table for nursery.
5. Purchase new swing and stroller/ carseat combo.
6. Paint nursery and make decor for the walls.
This is just the stuff I can think of right now. I'm sure this list will get much, much longer..........

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