Pregnancy Ticker

With a little Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.......

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Finally got to the exciting part yesterday at my 20 week OB appointment. We did the usual pee in a cup, got weighed (only gained 9 lbs total !!! YAY!) we listened to baby's heartrate (150ish) and measured my ever growing belly (20 inches from pubis to top of fundus). Then....he said it..."time to schedule your Anatomy Scan". I was SOOOOO ready! He said I could do it anytime that was good for me. Thats when my favorite nurse ever, Julie, said, "wanna do it today?" HELL YES I DO! So after an hour of driving myself and my 3 year old around town trying to fill my bladder, we arrived back in the ultrasound department.
My daughter was really excited to be there (since my hubby is 400 miles away hauling oil). The tech squirted that freezing cold gel on my belly and set to work getting the images she needs for the Radiologist as I anxiously waited to hear any indication of what the gender was. She said the baby was sitting on it's booty and that it was going to be tough to determine sex if it didn't move. UGH...figures! So, after she got all the Dr's images, she stood up to print those out and I started jiggling my belly like Santa to get that little stinker to move!
Apparently it worked! The tech took some shots of it's face and little hands and feet. She saved the best for last. We finally, after about an hour, got a perfect shot between the legs.............................................................
So now, I would like to introduce, baby GIRL Avery Lynn!!

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