Pregnancy Ticker

With a little Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.......

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Old Wives.....the tales they tell......

Today I decided that I would apparently determine this little peanut's gender by going through all the old wives tales. I would very much like another girl (because I'm cheap and I can use my 3 year olds baby stuff!) and our first daughter is insistant on getting a little sister!
So first off......Chinese Gender Prediction Chart......results: Girl
Heart Rate is 153.................................results: Girl
Urine pH is Acidic................................results: Girl
Wedding ring on a string....................results: Girl
So there ya have it. The fates are leading me to believe that I can start loading the nursery with pink! But, I wont. I'm a chicken and I generally have bad luck, so I dont want to jinx it. I guess we'll see how accurate those old wives were at the next ultrasound.

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