Pregnancy Ticker

With a little Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.......

Monday, December 21, 2009

Always In Moderation......right ......right.....

So here we are again. In the first trimester......waiting on the action. In the meantime, I guess ill just eat my way through the holidays. As of today I am 1o weeks and 6 days along and I have the appetite of a sasquatch!
Last time around I gained about 100 lbs so I did learn a, I AM NOT EATING FOR TWO. I am going to have to purchase some willpower if I am fond of just having the one chin.
With my first I craved hot tamales candies and oranges.......lots of them! Oh..and..the cream puffs from Aldis....and....Orange Crush soda....among other calorie laden treats.
So far this baby likes fresh cherries and Diet Mug rootbeer. Could be way worse! So, for now, I'm having a light fish filet and some veggies for supper......and some ice cream after everyone else is asleep! (It's like an "if a tree falls in the forest" kind of doesnt count if no one sees!)

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