Pregnancy Ticker

With a little Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.......

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waiting Games are not fun....

Aren't games supposed to be fun? Im waiting yet another month, at least, to find out if this baby has a weeny or not. Boo..... I have scoured the internet for any and all old wives tales, alternative methods of predicting gender with no luck finding anything promising.
A company called intelligender has a test out that claims to predict gender based on your urine, but I dont buy it. I have been unable to find any studies outside of their own website to confirm their claims, so Im not wasting $35 on it.
Other than waiting, there's not a whole lot going on yet. I'm unable to zip or button my pants but am still not really obviously pregnant. I picked up a Be Band at Target so I can continue to wear my regular jeans and I love it! Where was thing when I was pregnant with my daughter!!!
I guess I wont continue to bore you about the not so exciting details. I will post when there's a bit more to report.

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